1 Oct 2012

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    According to Julius Malema, the African National Congress Youth League leader, ‘The International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) decision to test Semenya is racist and sexist’. One cannot blame anyone to be annoyed at what has gone on. But it is not racism or sexism, it is downright disgraceful behaviour from the IAAF and jealousy from those that were beaten especially the Italian and Russian competitors who are quoted of saying “For me she is not a woman,” Furthermore it is offensive, hurtful and humiliating to a young superb athlete of this calibre, who has outrun her rivals in a world champoinship by over two seconds, when normally the difference between the first three is 100th of a second. The IAAF has certainly let this athlete down.

    Zapiro’s Sunday Times cartoon of the 23rd August 2009 gets it right.

    For more Zapiro cartoons visit www.zapiro.com

    Almost everything about the issue is fuzzy: Where does one draw the biological line between male and female, exactly what standard is used by the track authorities in deeming a female ineligible to compete as a woman, precisely what tests answer such questions. The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has asked for reports that will take weeks to review – from a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, a psychologist, a specialist in internal medicine and a gender expert.

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    6 Responses so far.

    1. Barbara James says:

      according to Caster Semenya she was subject to humiliating tests throughout her schooling and therefore became a bully,which i can understand but where was the racial issue then. Or maybe it was not white people doing the testing then. Dont get me wrong. It should never have been seen to be racial. Its just wrong!

    2. olivia says:

      The whole situation is unfair and a great humiliation.Why didnt they recognise this from the very start and waited for this great event,its so unfair and l cant imagine the pain the little girl is going through,that was really uncalled for.

    3. olivia says:

      The whole situation is unfair and a great humiliation.Why didnt they recognise this from the very start and waited for this great event,its so unfair and l cant imagine the pain the little girl is going through,that was really uncalled for.

    4. Well, Semenya’s case us not whether or not she had to be tested rather the lack of proper management of the matter. Secondly, why did they keep quiet until she won a gold medal, because i believe she passed various phases before that stage. This then poses a lack of capacity and poor management on the path of the IAAF. The race card is drawn because some feel the humiliation came upon her because shes black.

      Whether or not that’s true, let’s condemn any form racism, sexism or tribalism hashly and make sure we build a united and diverse South Africa.

      • Rizkie says:

        Okay – I hit every one of these.1. Dickhead who tkihns he’s funny.2. Interesting3. Very interesting4. Thoughtful but I don’t agree completely5. Why was this posted?6. Pompous dickhead7. Ass-hat8. Arrogant dickhead with the annoying habit of referring to himself in the 3rd person.Is there a full moon or something?

    5. bongie says:

      true that malema, its racism n sexists the GIRL is a star.why now after the various stages. its unfair and humilating.why oter people treat us[blacks] like this lets work together to fight this.

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