Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 10:12 PM by Newser

It is reported that former President Nelson Mandela was whisked off to an ANC rally last week by his grandson, chief Mandla Mandela and former ANC Youth League leader Fikile Mbalula. Why are they making the 90 year old Mandela do all this? I had thought that Mandela had decided to stay away from active politics now and take a much deserved break but that looks like it is not the case after his appearance at the ANC rally in Idutywa, Eastern Cape. Some have come out and said Mandela was ‘forced’ to go but I do not believe that. Surely Mandela can not be forced to do something he does not want to do so this trip to the rally was his own free will.

Having watched the video above of what actually happened at the rally, one can not help but realise that Mandela is fully behind the ANC. His grandson did much of the talking and reiterated the point that Madiba will always be part of the ANC. Mandela looked tired and they really should just let him rest for now. He has come out and said that he is behind the ANC so that should be the end of that.

Going back to the point of ‘forcing’ Mandela to attend this rally, could it be that there are some current members of the ANC who have put the pressure on Madiba to publicly come out and back the ANC. In Mandela backing the ANC, it could be seen as a positive sign for the ANC in the race for votes. Almost everyone adores Mandela in one way or the other so the ANC is probably thinking that if we have Mandela on our side, we will get votes come April 22. Only time will tell if this tactic by the ANC will yield the desired results.

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