Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 10:33 PM by Newser

According to reports, former president Nelson Mandela had a meeting with Julius Malema last weekend at the former Presidents Qunu home, near Umtata. This meeting took place the same weekend that Madiba made an appearance at an ANC rally. Former ANC Youth League leader, Fikile Mbalula who is thought to be one of the architects of getting Madiba to the ANC rally in the Eastern Cape, says that “Malema had not met Mandela before. When I introduced him as the president of the ANC Youth League, Madiba said: ‘Oh, this is the man who talks a lot and is very famous’.” Your guess is as good as mine as to what Mandela and Malema talked about. How I wish I was a fly on the wall in that meeting.

Mandela was also the Youth League leader for the ANC in its early days so I am sure he would have had a lot of advice and wise words to share with the current ANC Youth League Leader. The fact that Mandela knows that Malema ‘talks a lot and is very famous’ means that Mandela has more than likely heard all about Malema and what he has been up to. Maybe Mandela just gave him a quiet word in the ear and told Malema to calm down and watch what he says for the sake of the party.

What do you think Mandela may have said to Malema?

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